Bible Verse Of The Day

Friday, December 7, 2007


"To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best day and night to make you like everybody else means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight and never stop fighting."-e e cummingsUS poet (1894 - 1962)

I got this quote from another blog. After recently completing the Daniel Study it seems quite accurate. Here we (christians) are living in "Babylon" and trying not to be of the world. But it's literally surrounding us and bombarding us daily with all its temptations. So what indulgences are off limits? Daniel chose not to eat at the kings banquet table. It was not only the food that was off limits to him, but the idea of eating off the kings table was to accept him and his ways. We don't have food that if off limits to us, but we can eat too much of a good thing. And often do. And it is too easy to just go get what you're wanting. And all the commercials and advertisers play to the sense that "you deserve it". And it's not just food, but stuff. You can never have enough. And if you can't afford something, then it's perfectly acceptable to charge it and pay it off later. But then you fall into debt. The more you do this, the more debt you acquire and the things don't satisfy for long. The bible says this Proverbs 22: 7b ...And the borrower is servant to the lender. As Christmas is approaching, a lot of people go into some major credit card debt to be able to "afford" Christmas. I have fallen into this pit before, but now, we have no credit cards. We set up a budget for Christmas and that's it. Banks have Christmas club accounts that you can start and be able to pay cash for your presents. Then you're not paying interest to someone else for your purchases. There are more trappings that we can fall into other than food and debt...and you know what trappings might be snaring you. I would just like you to keep this in mind...

It's a battle thats never over, a battle we will always fight, and a battle we will lose if we take our eyes off Jesus for one second.

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